What's Your One?

When I did a keynote at the ConnectWise conference in 2008, their focus at the event was “What’s Your One?” The concept was for attendees to leave the conference with one action to take that would improve their business.

How can this apply to you in 2010?

They did this because the information gathered at these events is like drinking water from a fire hose and then you return to the office only to find that within 24-48 hours you are back to old habits. Nothing has changed. None of your conference zeal has been implemented.

Sounds like most business days to a lot of people…

Computer Reseller News recently published its State of the Market survey results. Let’s look at one of their four key areas – the Top Business Priority responses to their survey (DO YOU NOTICE WHAT IS MISSING?)

28.8% Introduce a new technology to current customer base
19.9% Expand existing business to new vertical market/customer base
15.7% Continue further cost-cutting initiatives
14.4% Expand existing business to a new geography/market
8.7% Hire additional technical staff
5.8% Hire additional sales staff
4.2% Grow through acquisition or merger
2.6% Other

WHAT’S MISSING? Specific steps to better lead and/or develop people. Hiring adds to your staff, but too often people EXPECT the new people know how to perform and do not invest in developing them. Acquisition or merger is also often a desire to grow without doing the work of motivating and developing your people to work more effectively.

What’s the one thing you will do in 2010 to better lead or develop your people, including yourself? Feel free to comment below

Meeting Ideas

What’s Your One is about deciding one action you can take or behavior you can improve that will improve the productivity, profitability and/or personal fulfillment of your employees (and/or you) in 2010.

Here are some ideas for discussion during your next staff meeting to consider how you and your people can choose one action to regularly take or behavior to improve so you can achieve more of your dreams this year.

1. What was the most effective activity someone else did last year that improved their productivity, profitability and/or personal fulfillment in their job last year? (Everyone should receive feedback.)

2. Someone has identified something that worked for you in question #1. Explain why it worked for you.

3. How could that activity be even more successful for you in 2010?

4. If you think others overlooked your most productive activity or behavior, share what you think was better and ask for their candid feedback. Consider their feedback. You might be right… or wrong. How are you measuring success?

Bottom line: What’s your one? And how will you hold yourself accountable to it (at least through the first quarter)?

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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