What's Your One?

When I did a keynote talk at the ConnectWise conference last September they asked attendees to focus on, "What's Your One?" It may be a good time to consider this ourselves.

Attending a good conference to learn new ways to improve your business can be like drinking water from a fire hose. ConnectWise was encouraging attendees to improve their ability to benefit from the conference by focusing on:

  • Idea to contemplate
  • Initiative for your business
  • New process to implement
  • Forward step to take

This is one of the reasons the ConnectWise conference was a great success. They provided lots of opportunities yet encouraged focus. Today most companies - not all - are working through the challenges of lowering costs and incresing sales. We have about 45 days until mid-year. So I ask you:

What's your one? What is the one thing you need to accomplish by the end of June to start the second half of the year stronger than you are today?

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


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