Strategic People

Many of you are already immersed in 2010 strategic planning. Thoughts, discussions and even debates have begun on revenue and spending.

What about the people? What about YOU?

Consider making your number one priority an investment in developing your "technical" skills, people skills, knowledge and experience. Certainly you are going to set traditional company goals such as revenue, customer growth, manufacturing productivity or whatever, however do not stop there.

Next define clear, measurable objectives for you and your people to develop your abilities to achieve those traditional company goals. Grow yourself and your people so that you can achieve your company objectives more competently and consistently.

Lastly, after completing this exercise consider listing your professional development objectives at the top of your list of traditional company goals, rather than at the bottom where it typically resides.

Why? Because the success of your company next year depends more on your people than anything else.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

What's Your Endgame?


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