Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Victims

Day 16
It is midweek and you are pursuing clear, measurable objectives this week - your 3 Strands and possibly daily W.I.N.s...

BUT people keep interrupting you.  Clients need attention.  There are "flash fires" that take your time.  Your Inbox is overflowing.  It gets overwhelming.

Whine... whine... whine.

John Ortberg in a fabulous sermon on Les Miserables (May 5th) made a statement that reminded me of my most time-challenged clients:

"No one is only a victim."

Here is today's accountability tips, although there is a lot more to discuss on this issue:  

1.  Stop blaming others.  You are only interrupted as much as you allow.  You are a victim only to the extent you refuse to take control of your schedule.

2.  Build gaps in your schedule.  These can be for work, or "Open Door" time to limit interruptions to this time only.

3.  Take responsibility.  For instance, I start most of my work days at 4:00 a.m.  Why?  We adopted a sibling group of 4 young kids.  Starting early is the only way I can put in a full day after my Bible study and prayer time.

As the leader, you have to adjust your schedule so it not only works for you, but for your team and Clients.  If you are getting pulled in too many directions then you need to make adjustments.  No one will adjust their behavior unless you require it - politely, patiently and proactively.

You may need outside help - a peer, mentor, coach...  someone to submit yourself to so that you try new behaviors that scare you, but that enable you to develop new, more productive habits.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / What Would You Do?


Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Punch One At A Time