Many of you are going to blow this off... too bad.
What is a CRUCIAL leadership secret weapon?
Consider the recent video of President Obama speaking to a crowd of campaign supporters. Rather than debate his sincerity, ask yourself why people are moved by it. Just this week I was buying a rose for my wife when a guy I did not know started talking about how wonderful the President is because of this video. He brought it up out of the blue as though no other president had done this.
What was one key way President Abraham Lincoln applied his faith to overcome unsurmountable challenges and motivate his enemies to work with him?
Ask yourself why Mother Teresa was able to start her career serving the poor as an individual and would move on to start the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation, which in 2012 consisted of over 4,500 sisters and is active in 133 countries.
How did Alan Mulally turn around Ford Motor Company, even avoiding the bankruptcies of their key rivals, GM and Chrysler?
Lastly, as a historical reference, when David was faced with his greatest challenges before and after becoming king of Israel, what did he do?
Part of the reason all of these leaders achieved their objectives is because when faced with their greatest challenges they praised others.
As we approach Thanksgiving next week I encourage you to develop a habit of sincerely thanking others without adding a correction, constructive criticism, etc.
Just praise sincerely. The words, "I appreciate you" have incredible impact when stated sincerely with nothing else added.
Sincere praising is a great habit to develop. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
You Are An Intentional Leader.
The skill of praising people sincerely is a game changer.
Here are some questions you could ask your team, and answer yourself, at your next team meeting:
1. What is one thing you sincerely appreciate about the person to your right?
2. What is one thing you sincerely appreciate about one of our Clients?
3. When was the last time you told that Client you appreciated that about them, and what did you say?
4. What are the top three "things" you are most thankful about as you work for our Company?
5. (Work through your top vendor list.) What are we most thankful about this person and the way they support us? When is the last time we told them this and what did we say?

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.

