
I get asked often, "What's the one thing I can do to motivate my employees?"

My reply, "Make certain they believe the work they do for your company is making a positive difference in the world and they feel appreciated."

The August issue of SHRM's HR Magazine has an article titled, India's Management Mind-Set.  It is based on a Harvard Business Press book from 2010.

There are four principal practices:
1.  Holistic engagement of employees.  "Indian business leaders see their organizations as organic enterprises where sustaining employee morale and building company culture are critical to executing strategy.  People are viewed as assets to be developed, not costs to be reduced..."
2.  Improvisation and adaptability.  In brief, you make do with what you have.

3.  Creative value propositions.  Find a balance between satisfying the needs of demanding, value-conscious consumers and efficiency.

4.  Social purpose.  "Indian business leaders emphasize personal values, vision of growth and strategic thinking... The social mission for Bharti Airtel Ltd., for example, was to get cell phones into the hands of millions of people who otherwise had no way to communicate with each other.  The Tate Nano had a similar goal of getting safer, low-cost transportation to the masses..."

I was surprised to learn two-thirds of the profits of the Tata Group companies go to its charitable foundations.  The Godrej Group has constructed schools, medical clinics and living facilities for employees.  Dr. Reddy's has guaranteed to meet the health care needs for 40,000 children.

Give your people a clear, sincere vision for how you are improving the world and the pursuit of something greater than themselves will motivate them to give you their best.


Good intentions will not enable your company to become the best it can be. If you sincerely want to make the world a better place then there is no better time to start than now.

Here are some ideas to discuss how your people can Understand How You Make a Difference (one of the desired results of my Success With People system) in your world:

1.  What?  Your company may be helping a charitable organization in your community, but the focus of the group may not be meaningful to your employees.  Discuss what issue is most important to your people and come to agreement on how you will seek to serve that cause.

2. How much?  It is better to make a significant difference in the lives of others by serving one person, one family or one group rather than spreading your organization too thin. It is also good to start small and then build from they are even if you have a grand vision of impact. Discuss what your company can realistically do for others today.

3.  Plan.  Work with your people to schedule what you want to accomplish for others through 2011 or even into 2012.  Be realistic, but visionary.  Demonstrate integrity and love.  HAVE FUN.  Report how your people are improving the lives of others.  Take lots of photos.

Last, but not least, thank your people to remind them how they are making a positive difference and how much you value them.

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.




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