What's Perfect?

There must be something going on because this topic has come up several times during the last month. The complete question to ask yourself is:

If life were perfect, what would it be like? Try to be clear and measurable. For instance, if you define one attribute of your "perfect" life as having a great job, what does that mean? You can:

  • Make a lot of money yet hate your work

  • Love your work, but not be earning enough to pay your bills

  • Love your work and be paid well, however you do not enjoy your co-workers or believe in the products or services of your company.

This is why you have to be clear and measurable when defining your life targets. Here are two tips:

1. Reflect on how the words "perfect" and "complete" are often synonomous. Humans are incapable of perfection, so what would your life be like if it were complete and thus more meaningful? What would life be like for you to say with 100% honesty and peace, "Wow, this is awesome! I am so thankful for what I have."

2. Define clear measurable statements for each attribute of your "complete" life. Here are some areas to consider:

* Spiritual

* Relationships (you may define multiple goals, such as spouse, each of your children, family, friends)

* Health

* Personal finances

* Career

* Service for others

I do not believe there is one specific number of attributes of your complete life to define. Some people have three, others five or six, and one person I read about recently had about one hundred.

Take a break this week to define the specific attributes of your fulfilling life. Then enjoy the positive life change of pursuing your life targets intentionally rather than just assuming you will reach your perfect destination someday.

Be an intentional leader.

Meeting Ideas

What's Perfect is about defining what you want from life before living the rest of your life. Why is this overlooked by so many of us? (Myself included.) Maybe it is time for a change.

Here are some ideas for discussion during your next staff meeting to encourage your people to define their "complete" life:

NOTE: Explain how to set life goals and discuss it in general terms, then encourage your people to set them on their own or with a spouse, friend or family member. Many of these goals are personal therefore are not appropriate for office discussion.

If everyone is interested in sharing their career-related life goals then do so AFTER making it very clear the discussion must be respectful at all times. For instance, if the warehouse person wants to be president of the company, then help them understand how to develop their strengths and skills so they can determine on their own whether their dream is realistic. It is NOT your job to stop others from pursuing their dreams.

1. What are your life goals? (Encourage people to be clear and measurable.)

2. Although the timeframe to achieve your life goals can vary, it is helpful to set realistic deadlines. Do each of your life goals have a specific target date to achieve them?

3. Do you have something clear and measurable you are seeking to achieve this year so you are on track to accomplish each of your life goals on the schedule you have set?

4. Are you celebrating the little successes that are leading to your perfect life?

5. How will you feel when you achieve these goals?

David Russell

David is the Founder and CEO of Manage 2 Win.


Recession's Over - What Now? (Part I)

