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Ultimate Competitive Edge

First, consider these conclusions from Gallup...

64% of managers and executives are NOT engaged

(consider the cash drain from the employees that report to them)


When you develop the leadership skills of your managers then you DOUBLE the # of engaged employees on their team.


Run the numbers and consider (1) the % of productivity per manager in your company, (2) the % of productivity per employee (how well they perform vs. how well they could perform if they worked smarter and/or harder), and (3) multiply that times the additional profit, revenue, cost savings, opportunities gained, etc. that will occur when they become their best. 

The amount you calculate is the potential upside you can monthly as your MANAGERS hire, manage, develop, and retain top performing employees better.

Your estimates are probably low. The upside is much higher. We have only 3 spots left in our Certified LEADER program.  Let me improve your managers.  Sign-up on our website or download the brochure. 

What about the Ultimate Competitive Edge?  Here it is: 

1.  A strong company culture, reinforced weekly, if not daily.  Most of you know this already, but only a few of you do this weekly or daily.

2.  3strands Leadership - every owner, executive, manager, and team leader is operating a peak capacity AND LOVING IT!  Is this true at your company?

3.  Build Relationships - the person must be more important than the transaction.  Starting at the first contact with a sales prospect and following through to every interaction with people in your company.  EVERY time an employee, client, vendor, person in your community, spouse or family member of an employee... ANYONE interacts with your company, it is relational first, not transactional.  Some of you do this instinctively, others have no idea what this looks like.  That's why we created our Charm School training :).  There is ALWAYS room for improvement!

No managed services / I.T. solution provider consistently does all three well.  Some are pretty good, and others are terrible - yet the odd thing about human behavior is many of us are more comfortable losing money because of our bad habits than improving them.

I have been there, done that.  I fight every day to not go back.  I am committed to developing leaders and applying leadership systems - first myself, and then others.  I build relationships naturally.  It is what I love best about my career. 

This is the ultimate competitive edge.  You can embrace it and invest in it, or lose to it.

Why?  Because the ultimate competitive edge forces existing clients and sales prospects to BELIEVE they must seek your advice before making a significant technology investment.  If they believe this about your competitors but not you, then you start the sales race "in a bad lane" and the odds of you winning the race are less favorable. 

Why not improve now?