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Upcoming Webinar - DO IT RIGHT: Motivational Employee Reviews

How would you like to have motivational employee performance reviews instead of a once-a-year agony?

Register here to attend this less than 30 minute webinar at 8:30 a.m. PDT on Thursday, August 28th, 2014.

As you know, ConnectWise recently endorsed MANAGEtoWIN as the platform they have used the past year to do annual employee performance reviews, and confidential 360 peer feedback.

Do you hate your annual review process, or at least think it could be more consistent and/or efficient?

In less than 30 minutes I will explain why ConnectWise and thousands of employees working for our other clients automate their performance reviews and MANAGEtoWIN.  You will learn:

  • The 7 Warning Signs your current employee review process is a risk and a burden, rather than a benefit
  • The 7 Reasons you must do written employee performance reviews to maximize profitability and growth
  • How ConnectWise and other companies use MANAGEtoWIN to automate their employee performance review process

Learn.  Ask questions.  Gain insights.  Space is limited.  Register now.

I will send you a link to the recorded webinar after it's done.