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Day 118 | Power of Dictums

A dictum is an authoritative statement of truth.  Some people start each day reading or repeating dictums.

Question:  What is one key value of dictums for leaders?

Answer:  To overcome negative self-talk by reprogramming your brain.

For example, behavioral modification Coach Don Nava encourages his clients to use different dictums each morning as they grow through his program.  Some examples are:

  • I think about whatever is true.
  • I like myself.
  • I put others first.
  • I exercise daily.
  • I choose to live in good health.
  • I work on my life goals daily.
  • ...

Another friend of mine has a similar yet different approach.  He keeps a journal of how God has encouraged him.  This can be words of affirmation from others, a powerful thought, or Bible verses that jumped off the page at him.  Each morning he walks in his home study area and reads these words of positive reinforcements aloud.  It makes a difference in his day.  Jack is an encourager.

We all have pain from past mistakes and/or undeserved pain from others.  As leaders we must be healthy and have a sincere, positive attitude that inspires the people around us.  I have tried dictums in the past and found them a helpful reminder or guide.  You may want to give them a try.

It is Monday.  ACCOUNTABILITY TIME!  (You should have done the following, at a minimum, in your Sanctuary time since late last Friday.)

  1. Review your 2014 goals.
  2. How did you do on your 3Strands last week?
  3. If you have defined your 3Strands for this week?

Stay on track.