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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / More Than One Death Line?

Day 69

In Jim Collins' book, GREAT by Choice, he talks about defining the Death Line for your company.  This is the point in your finances, client satisfaction, etc. where if you cross it the situation could become deadly.

Collins puts it this way:  "The idea is simple:  If you ever hit the Death Line, you end the journey - the game is over."

WARNING :  Define your Death Line before it defines you.

I suggest this week, one of your 3Strands is to define three Death Lines for your business.  Here are some quick ideas for Death Lines:
  • Product line
  • Service
  • Process (returns, new client onboarding...)
  • Employee  
Pilot your three Death Lines through year-end and then discuss how best to apply Death Lines in your company for 2014.  Learn more about Death Lines in this 20 Mile Challenge presentation.

There are only four months left in 2013.  FOCUS - FOCUS - FOCUS.  Have your Sanctuary time this morning to consider what you got accomplished last week (month?) and confirm your 1-3 BOLD MOVES for this week - your 3Strands.

Let me know if you need help.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.