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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / How To Read A Resume

Day 76

Do you know what to look for in a resume?  Most people do not. 

Here are 10 things I look for in a resume.  If any of these are not there, then either the candidate is disqualified or I ask questions.

1.    Minimum 3 years per job
2.    No employment gaps (some are acceptable)
3.    Specific accomplishments listed rather than general job duties
4.    Accomplishments listed could be in their control
5.    No spelling or grammar errors
6.    Good formatting of the resume
7.    Time working in a family business
8.    Complete job history listed (older people may not list everything)
9.    Experience relevant to the position (same industry most of the time)
10.  The year(s) for diploma(s) entered and/or school is not mail-order/weak
Happy hunting for candidates.  If your hiring process is emotional rather than systematic, then let me know we can help.
IT IS FRIDAY ...  How are you doing on your 3Strands this week?  Week-by-week accomplish your 3Strands to achieve your annual goals ---  and MANAGERS, this is the simple way to be there to help people when they need it, encourage people, and hold them accountable.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.