Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Focus
Day 59
Everything we do as a Systematic Leader is to focus on the value we deliver to others rather than what we want for self-gratification or personal needs.
to demonstrate we sincerely care about our employees.
to prove we put our Clients' interests first.
to reinforce to our vendors that we are their best partner.
GREAT leadership is consistent.
Consistency requires systems. I encourage you to check your Weekly 3Strands and/or daily W.I.N. today and every day to confirm your progress. And to do the same with your direct reports 3Strands and/or daily W.I.N.
Success is a journey one step at a time. Don't wake up realizing you missed some beautiful stretches of the trail.
Let me know if you need help.
Be a Systematic Leader
- because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.