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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / What are 3Strands and Daily W.I.N. ?

Day 58

The reason I am writing to you daily is because many people wanted more accountability than a once-a-week leadership insight.

Too many people write annual goals and then do not pursue them systematically each week.  

My weekly 3Strands and optional daily W.I.N. process is how to pursue your annual objectives systematically.

We recently posted this process online for you - Weekly 3Strands & daily W.I.N.

We teach this and much more in our LEADERSHIP Essentials Service and Academy.  Our final LEADERSHIP EssentialsAcademies this year are August 22-23 and October 24-25.  Attend if you want to learn the core essentials of systematic leadership.
I encourage Clients to look at their 3Strands daily to stay focused, and then take time in solitude ("Sanctuary") between Friday afternoon and Monday morning to review how well they did;  and define their 3Strands for the upcoming week.  

Why not try a pilot?  Define your 3Strands this week and try my process?

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.