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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Fools Part 5

Day 57

This is my Final Leadership vs. Fools Challenge before the weekend...

1.  Who do you hang out with at your office?

2.  Who do you interact with as a business sounding board or mentor?
3.  Who do you seek out for personal advice?

Consider this advice from ancient times that is 100% accurate:

"Walk with the wise and become wise,

for a companion of fools suffers harm."

Now let's return to the 3-point Challenge laid out above:

1.  Office :  I am NOT recommending that you spend your time in cliques or kiss-up to leaders and top performers, but it is true that top performers typically spend most of their time hanging out with other superstars.

As you spend time with other people with similar ambition, intelligence, and skill, they hone your abilities.  "...Iron sharpens iron..." whereas wood dulls iron.

2.  Business :  Fools seek advice from people who agree with them.  Wise people ask questions, pose scenarios, and ask for counsel from people who have achieved what you want to achieve andwill tell you when they feel you are wrong.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Wise Systematic Leaders still make their own decisions.  For many people a peer group is a helpful source of trustworthy feedback.  There are many options, such as Vistage, Convene, C12, HTG...  

Observation:  One has to be impressed that ConnectWise has fully supported HTG Peer Groups, which are for ConnectWise partners only, whereas their competitors have not made similar commitments.

3.  Personal :  Have you ever interviewed a "great" job candidate yet when you checked their online "friends" you discovered they were boozers, swingers, into drugs, or had some other habit that would negatively affect their job performance?

We develop habits from the people with whom we spend time.  Carefully choosing your personal friends, spiritual family, and others with whom you enjoy life - and the causes you invest in - is important.  Yes, this is personal, but the fact is you bring your full "person" to the job each day.  

People who live life to the fullest in their personal time typically give their best at work too.

It is FRIDAY :  Please complete this week's 3Strands and daily W.I.N., and encourageyour people to do the same.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.