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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Client Experience ... Starbucks vs. Peet's

Day 62

It's... MONDAY!  I love it.  I am so thankful to live in beautiful America, even with all its flaws.  Speaking of flaws, how about we stay with Client Experience for $200 after our Motorola Mobility Moto Xdiscussion last week.

Starbucks vs. Peet's coffee shops.  If you have not taken the time to experience and even test the client experience at these powerhouses, please do so before month-end.  Why?

These companies, particularly Starbucks, spend MILLIONS to have the best possible client experience.  You can learn from them for just a $1.95 cup of brew.

1.  Product :  The coffee seems the same to me at both places, but zealots will take sides.  My wife and I only started drinking coffee two years ago at age 54 after we adopted a sibling group of young kids.  I am not an expert.  

2.  Add-ons :  The sugar, cream, etc. selection are close to identical.  Meets people's needs.  Peet's has had great treats for awhile and Starbucks recently updated their assortment.  It is more competitive now.

3.  People :  They both hire great people in my area.  Very friendly and helpful.

NOTE:  The Starbucks I am working from just had its customer line grow to 18 people.  Incredible...  Just think what would happen to your business if you could take a commodity like coffee and convince people your brand is the best place to buy it.

4.  Internet :  VERY INTERESTING.  Until earlier this year Peet's made you get an internet code at the cash register that only worked for one hour whereas Starbucks provided free internet as long as you want.  I wrote Peet's on January 15, 2013 about this issue and they responded the same day (impressive).  It was four paragraphs basically explaining why my desire to have internet for more than one hour was wrong.

I guess more people challenged their one hour policy.  Recently Peet's realized their mistake and now no more codes at the cash register and one hour limits.  You can work at a Peet's as long as you work at Starbucks.

Even leaders of large organizations learn from their competitors.

5.  Atmosphere :  Great at both places, although my favorite atmosphere is Origin Coffee & Tea in Rocklin (northeast of Sacramento) where volunteers run the place and all profits are donated to stop human trafficking.  All of them seem to struggle with providing firm couches or padded seating.  That's one area for improvement.

NOTE:  Your Employee experience determines the success of your Client experience.

Make a positive step forward with both Employees and Clients by doing a team exercise to explore what it is like to buy from the best brands and consider what you can apply in your organization.

How did you do last week on your 3Strands?  Have you defined your 1-3 most important tasks for this week?

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.