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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Accountability Culture #2

Day 40
Quick update:  Our Accountability Culture program is 60% full and I expect it to be sold-out this week or next.  Email me if you are interested.  I am the coach working with you in this program and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.  

It is Monday.  HALF of 2013 is GONE forever...  How are you doing?  Let's return to our steps to having an Accountability Culture with a brief overview of Step #2.  (Step #1 was in my June 21 email.)

Every strong company is built upon four cornerstones of culture ("Company Culture Cornerstones") that flow through the veins of your employees to drive a competitive advantage.

1.  Mission with a Purpose :  Your mission statement is WHY you are in business.  Does your mission statement really says this clearly in a limited number of words that your people have memorized?  A mission is almost a marketing slogan...  how can you grow without defining WHY your company exists and demonstrating this on a daily basis?

2.  Non-Negotiable Values :  Your company values explain HOW your firm does business.  They are crucial to your growth because great values enable employees to make decisions on their own.  Are your people thinking like owners, or people in short-term jobs?

3.  Motivational Vision :  Your company vision is WHERE your company is growing (not "going" in my mind).  Is your vision flat, or inspiring?

4.  Accountability for Consistency :  Accountability confirms WHO is truly contributing versus the people that are holding you back from living your dreams.  Do you have strong systemsof accountability for your people to demonstrate your mission, values and vision on a consistent basis?  If not, then what are you building your company on?

And do not forget... IT IS MONDAY!  A basic part of an Accountability Culture is following-up on your weekly 3 Strands to confirm you made progress on your most important 2013 goals last week and defining your next bold moves for this week.  If you are using a daily W.I.N., then how did you do last Friday?  What's your plan today?

Do not forget to hold your people accountable too.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank You.