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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Share Your One Question Survey

Day 46
Yesterday I encouraged you to prepare for upcoming economic turmoil now, during the good times, rather than when the storms come.

One way to get good feedback on people's true feelings - employees, Clients, vendors... - are great one question surveys.  An effective one-liner can identify a problem, engage a sale, create a bond, and much more.

Let me give you some examples:

1.  Sales :  My "elevator pitch" when I'm on my game is the question, "Have you ever had a bad boss?"  So far everyone says "yes," which leads to a discussion of how our mission at MANAGEtoWIN is "No bad bosses," and asking more questions that lead to explaining what we do.

2.  Client Satisfaction :  My twist on a classic one question Client satisfaction survey is, "Based on the service you received today, how would you respond if someone asked you what you like best about our services?"

3.  Hiring Interview :  "What question did I not ask, that I should have asked you?"  (Sinal's good with this one.)

4.  Peer Review :  "Which of (person's first name)'s natural strengths do you believe he should improve further, how should he do that, and what do you believe will be the impact of this change?  (This one is hard, but when this feedback can be powerful.)

Email me your favorites.  I will send the best out next week.

It is the end of the week.  It has been a GREAT week for our team here.  How about you?

Where are you, and your team, with your 3 Strands for this week?  How about your daily W.I.N.?  Can you FOCUS more?  Think about this during your Sanctuary time this weekend.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.