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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Storm Clouds

Day 45
Q:  When is the best time to prepare for a storm?

A:  On a sunny day.  (Have you ever tried sandbagging in a rainstorm?)

Netflix, which I mentioned yesterday recently proved its pundits wrong when they bounced back from disaster in a new subscription pricing model.  The company is stronger than ever.

How did they do it?

Strong company culture cornerstones, and particularly strong company values that they live daily.  This foundation of mission, values, vision, and ACCOUNTABILITY enables them to weather a storm that would have put a lesser company out of business.

Q :  What defined the legacy of Steve Jobs of Apple?

A :  His return after a 12 year exile from the company.

My point :  You have a fantastic opportunity RIGHT NOW to define part of your legacy by preparing for the upcoming economic storms rather than just enjoy stronger sales due to an improving economy.

What are you doing to prepare?  I am notpredicting an end to the world, but rather prudence and vision based on what we can learn from the recent past.

Do you remember laying off good employees in 2008-09?  How about the cash flow challenges?  Avoid that pain and prepare to buy fire-sale assets by preparing now.  

1.  Strengthen your company culture to weather any storm and better take advantage of opportunities.  In good times and bad, PEOPLE are your greatest asset.  Invest time, energy and a bit of cash today to increase employee loyalty, productivity and enthusiasm.  (This is the core of our LEADERSHIP EssentialsService and Academy.)

2.  Invest "bullets" in short-term projects to strengthen your company, but cut an unnecessary monthly overhead.

3.  Improve one service delivery process a month to lower costs, improve productivity, and increase Client loyalty (more important than "satisfaction").

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
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