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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / "What do you see?"

Day 44

Recently I rented the second Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr., A Game of Shadows (review) from Netflix.  I do not recommend the movie, but was struck by one line.
At one point Holmes is asked, "What do you see?"  He responds, "Everything..." and then goes on to indicate his ability to discern more than most others is both a blessing and a curse.
My question to you as a Systematic Leader is an important one that often we allow ourselves to be too busy to answer truthfully:  What do you see?
1.  Employees :  How engaged are they?  Why?  What strengths need to be encouraged?  Which weaknesses need to be addressed?  Should you be concerned about a pending negative event with peers, Clients or others?
2.  Clients :  How loyal are they?  Are you helping them be successful to the best of your firm's ability?  Where can you better apply your strengths?  What weaknesses do you need to correct before they harm relationships?
As Systematic Leaders, rather than the Idea of the Week Bad Bosses we used to be, our processes to fully engage our employees and Clients need to enable us to "see" more than we did before.
How is your eyesight?  I suggest this can be an enjoyable challenge to discuss with your partner(s), team and even entire organization.  At the very least, consider a weekly ritual of coffee or a meal with an employee or Client to ask questions that help you discern truly how well you are doing with them.
We work on fully engaging employees and Clients in our LEADERSHIP Essentials Service and Academy, and our Accountability Culture program, which only has two openings left.
Let me know if you need help.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.