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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Ready to Sell?

Day 27
In the June issue of Inc. Magazine, columnist Norm Brodsky encourages entrepreneurs to build our businesses to sell, even if we have no plans to sell.  

This is because opportunities to sell our business often occur because we suddenly need to sell it, or an unexpected suitor appears.  In both situations there is no time to improve your financials and market share so you can maximize your selling price.  This is work we must do every day.

Accountability is working ON your business versus IN your business.

The simple work of having clear, measurable annual goals AND THEN following up with the 3 Strands - both yours and those of your direct reports - for weekly accountability is crucial for your company.  This discipline enables your company - and your people - to grow each year.  (The daily W.I.N. helps too!)

It is Monday.  Here is your accountability check-off list from me.  Let's make this an awesome week!

1.  Sanctuary :  Have you taken time without interruption to review your 3 Strands from last week and define your 3 Strands for this week?

I have, and I AM EXCITED!  (You will find out next week why I'm so jazzed...)  Go for it!  Hold yourself accountable first, and then your people to accomplishing their 3 Strands from last week and defining really meaningful work to do this week.

2.  Daily W.I.N. :  If your people are doing a daily W.I.N., then it is time to hold them accountable for Friday's accomplishments and to get something awesome done today.

3.  Ready to Sell :  I suggest you set aside 30 minutes this week to consider Norm Brodsky's advice.  What three things could you do a little bit better - that are consistent with your 2013 goals - that would increase the valuation of your company by year-end?

Draft a definition of those three actions.  Discuss them with your team leaders and mentors/coaches.  Schedule work on them.

Stay focused.  Summer is a time for a wise, patient, focused "turtle" to intentionally, systematically plod past the "rabbit" who lacks balance in scheduling time for work and personal time to end the school year, vacations, fun in the sun, and whatever...  (I'll relate back to the rabbit again on Friday.)

HAVE A GREAT WEEK!  Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.