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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / No Pain No What?

Day 28
You've heard the old saying, "No pain.  No gain."  How many of us are in pain - working too many hours, each day seems to end with more work than when we started, the business is not working the way we would like, employees are a pain, the boss (partner, Board, coach, spouse...) is a pain, and so on?

Well...  we only have total controlover one thing:  Us.

As the old Pogo comic strip, by Walt Kelly, concluded:  "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Often our biggest "pain" is ourselves rather than others or our circumstances.  We need to better manage ourselves to make other issues diminish.

RECOMMENDATION :  Find a balance between accepting a certain amount of "pain" to achieve consistent gain, but do not neglect what is truly most important:
  1. Relationships
  2. Health
  3. Experiencing the wonder of nature while you can

Politely say "no" to more activities to increase your focus on what is truly most important.  And... as you lead your people this week to achieve their 3 Strands and daily W.I.N.s, take time to:
  1. Give sincere, specific appreciation
  2. Sincerely encourage everyone, not just those whom you like  
  3. Enjoy at least one meal or coffee/tea break, or walk outdoors with a coworker to check to see how they are doing
STAY FOCUSED.   Achieve your 3 Strands and daily W.I.N.s, and hold your people accountable to do the same.

But remember... all pain is no gain.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader -because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.