Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / The Best Lies
Day 36
"The best lies are full of truth,"commented Mark Driscoll during his guest talk at Saddleback Church on June 9th.
As you work on accountability in your organization, consider the mistakes your leaders and team members can make by making decisions based on misinformation ("lies").
- Get upset at a coworker or client due to misunderstanding part of the facts.
- Make the wrong technical decision because of missing one piece of data.
- Hire an employee who will not work out because you overlook a problem.
- Make assumptions.
- Hear what we want to hear so we tune out negativity.
- Move too fast, instead of a Goldilocks Schedule (not too fast, not too slow...)
Accountability is the glue that holds your organization together and fuels its growth. A little extra effort to confirm, rather than assume, you are making the best possible decision is a wise habit to develop.
Let me know if you need help.
Be a Systematic Leader
- because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.