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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Challenger - Coach - Creator

Day 31
Last Friday, I encouraged you to consider how leaders are Chief Energy Officers.  Let's build on that to reflect on the types of people with whom we interact.

I was watching an 8 minute TEDx presentationby Mo Fathelbob, former CEO of EO, where he talks through his adaptation of the Karpman Drama Triangle.  Mo's version looks like this and it struck me as an interesting thought for the week:

Every day this week and beyond we will interact with people whose motivations are not as easy to discern as we may believe.  For instance, Transactional Analyst Claude Steiner suggests:

     The Villaindoes not really have a valid complaint.
     The Herois not really helping.  (They are enabling or doing the work for the Victim either out of partial self-motivation or desire to see the Victim fail.)  

     The  Victim is not really as helpless as he feels.

Mo changes the diagram so we have a:

     Challenger, instead of Villain, who challenges us to be better.

     Coach, instead of Hero, who asks us questions rather than gives us answers or does our work for us.

     Creator, instead of Victim, because when we are coached an challenged, then we create ways to succeed.

I agree with Mo.  Be a Coach and a Challenger, not an Hero or a Villain.  Create a working environment where your people are inspired to solve work problems themselves, alone or with others.

It's Monday!  We have the blessing of a NEW WEEK!

1.  Sanctuary :  Have you reviewed your 3 Strands from last week and defined them for this week?

2.  Preparation :  Is there anything you need to do to prepare to review your team's 3 Strands from last week;  if you are using them, their daily W.I.N. from last Friday;  and their 3 Strands for this week and W.I.N. for today?

Positively hold yourself and your people ACCOUNTABLE and it will be a great week.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.