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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Punch One At A Time

Day 15
The young girl's father managed boxers.  That evening they were in a local auditorium and the crowd was mainly cheering for the opponent of her father's fighter.  At the end of the fight it was too close for many to call... If they were to be honest. 

The ringside judges turned in their scores and the referee announced her father's fighter had won the bout.  The crowd got nasty.  They felt the fight was fixed.  It looked like her father and his fighter would not get out of the auditorium alive.

Her father turned to the fighter and his young daughter, and gave an order:  "Follow me!"

He then walked right into the mob.  As he approached the first person in his way, he stopped and pulled back his right fist as though he would punch the threat right in the face.  In fear that person, when singled out, backed away.

Her father took a couple more steps, paused, and pulled his fist back again prepared to punch the next person.  Again, the person when singled out, backed away.

Her father continued this process, moving as rapidly as he could, until they were out of the auditorium without having to actually fight anyone.

What is the lesson?

Do not let the "mob" of activities that threaten to overwhelm you each day distract you from achieving REAL results.  Use the 3 Strands and daily W.I.N. exercises to focus on achieving clear, measurable, meaningful results each day.

W.I.N. your battles with distractions and interruptions daily.  Then pause to (1) reflect on your progress and (2) plan your key objectives for the next time you enter "the ring" - tomorrow.

The story above is real.  I heard it many years ago.  Unfortunately I cannot remember the speaker's name.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.