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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Get Back In Control

Day 14
I was speaking with an I.T. entrepreneur recently and he was complaining his schedule is out of control.  He cannot seem to get his most important work done.

Although people's ability to control their schedule vary, here are some quick tips to regain control of your calendar:
1.  3 Strands :  How did you do on your 3 Strands for last week?  Not so good...?  Define the 1-3 key objectives for this week.  The only excuse not to complete them is an "end-of-your-world" catastrophe, not the typical fire drills you face each day.  

YES, start here.  Do NOT start by looking at your calendar.

2.  Today's W.I.N. :  How did you do on your daily W.I.N. last Friday?  Not so good...? Now define 1-3 things to accomplish today that are steps towards achieving your 3 Strands for the week.   

If you do not focus your task list, quote board, service board, Outlook tasks, honey-do list, what's in your mind to do... then you just do busywork, not the important stuff.  Be clear, measurable and specific when writing your 3 Strands and W.I.N.

3.  Calendar :  Now look at your calendar.  First, remove activities that do not lead to achieving your 3 Strands or daily W.I.N.  Narrow your focus.  Politely, professionally say "No, thank you..." and/or delegate.  

Second, schedule time to complete your 3 Strands and W.I.N. activities.

Third, continue to politely and professionally say "No" as new requests for your time arrive.

What about accountability?   Hold yourself accountable.  If that is not working, then consider a coach.  Your increased production will more than pay for the coach.  If you are struggling to do your most important work, then it is worth it to give a coach a try for 1-3 months as a pilot.

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.