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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Big Idea

Day 25
Welcome to Wednesday!  This week it's the "new Tuesday" due to the holiday for some people.  

Have you looked at your 2013 goals to confirm you are on track?

How is your 3 Strands and, if you are using it, your daily W.I.N. working so far this week? No, it is not too early for accountability.

Yesterday in our 20 Mile Challenge webinar we discussed Jim Collins' approach of pursuing new BIG IDEAS with bullets instead of cannonballs.  The concept is to try a lot of things, but do so in a way that is low cost, low risk, and low distraction.

I recommend you watch the webinar(FREE to everyone through Sunday;  after that it's only available to our LEADERSHIP EssentialsAcademy members.

Or download the audio version when it is posted later today:  

       1.  Start iTunes

2.  Go to File / Subscribe to Podcast

3.  Enter this link:  /20mc-podcast/rss.xml 

You can register for this free series at this link.

I think the information based on this chapter and how Collins' summarizes the rise of Apple from the ashes of death is worth the cost of his entire book, GREAT by CHOICE.

My point :  What's your BIG IDEA, and are you pursuing it systematically and wisely?

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.