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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / What Would You Do?

Day 17
I have been warned not to be so transparent in these encouragement emails of leadership tips.  But here goes anyway...

Some of you may be wondering, "Is Dave nuts?"  Wednesday of this week your LEADERSHIP Accountability email subject line was "Victims."  Yesterday, my weekly Work Smart Live Well newsletter subject line was "Time Bomb."

I sent these newsletters to almost 3,000 people daily.  FREE.  You can access them in my blog.

I got an email yesterday from someone who loves these LEADERSHIP Accountability emails.  A different person responded to yesterday's Work Smart Live Well email as follows:

"I find any references to bombs or time bombs in any marketing material to be in extremely poor taste, especially considering the very recent events in Boston.  I wanted to personally let you know that I'm opting out of your mailing list as a result."

The first part of my response to this reader is below.  My full response was longer and included three apologies, in addition to the apology in the email itself (you have to read yesterday's email to fully comprehend the situation):

"If you want your clients to abruptly terminate your relationship when you accidentally offend them after years of service, then you have made the right decision."

And by the way, I closed my response with:

"I remain, sincerely, an encourager of your best leadership and success."

As you close out this week with accountability, consider, how should your people respond when a Client, vendor or peerbehaves in a way that offends you?

Do you toss away years of a good working relationship?  Do you abandon The Golden Rule?

IMPORTANT FOLLOW-UP :  This leader responded to my email, apologizing for his earlier communication and mentioning he did not cancel his subscription.  WOW.  His second email speaks volumes about his positive leadership traits.  My email just caught him at a bad time.  He really impressed me.  Emotions often get the best of us.   All of us.  

This situation might be a good discussion topic for your team, or reflection topic during your Sanctuary time.

It is the end of the week.   "OH NO!  It happened again, Batman.  Another week has vaporized.  Holy Outlook Calendar!" (As if there is such a thing...)  

As I mentioned in Day 2 of this series, sometime between late Friday and early morning on Monday is ideal for Sanctuary.  This is your time for personal accountability.

1.  Did you achieve your 3 Strands and daily W.I.N.'s?

2.  Did your people achieve their 3 Strands and daily W.I.N.'s?

3.  What can you do NEXT WEEK that will be incredibly fulfilling?  Are those tasks your 3 Strands and Monday's W.I.N. because they ultimately help you achieve your 2013 goals?

Put on a few of your favorite songs this weekend and dance like no one's watching...

Let me know if you need help.

Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts

Thank you.