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I was working with a client recently on developing their company values.  In two places they used the term "family." 
This may shock you, but I advised them against using the word "family" to describe their company.  Here's a quick summary of why I think that term is incorrect for most organizations.
1.  Your company is a "team," not a "family."
2.  Families must endure dysfunctional family members indefinitely whereas participation on a team is based on your performance.  If your results do not meet the minimum standards of your team then you are no longer allowed to play for that organization. 
3.  Families may choose to lose everything to support a family member who is suffering from a deadly disease or other catastrophe. A team may be empathetic to a team member's struggles, but must limit their investment in the team member to retain profits and sustain the organization.
4.  Families often vacation together.  Team members take their families on their own vacations.
5.  Families are for life.  Teams are for seasons of life.
In closing, but which may reinforce an overall theme as you consider whether your company is a "family" or a "team."  Performance-based love in a family is unhealthy and dysfunctional, yet performance is the standard for being an employee of your company.
The first quarter of 2013 is gone forever.  It may be time to make changes in your organization.  Contact me if you have employees that could be more productive and you need help putting together a performance improvement plan for them.
2013 will be over before you  know it.  Act now for the sake of your team, and your family. 
Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts.
David Russell, CEO