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Daily LEADERSHIP TIP / Laugh Till It Hurts

Day 11
Is your first response to the subject line of this newsletter, "Well, the same to you!"

If it is, then consider this encouragement:  Try to get with one or more people this week and enjoy a deep belly laugh.  Just set aside the pressures and the stress to enjoy other people.  Maybe watch a funny movie together.  One that will make you laugh until you cry.


Why not?

Yes, I want you to hold your people accountable to their daily W.I.N. today, tomorrow and each day if they have committed to daily accountability.  Did you get your W.I.N.s today by 9:00 a.m. or whatever time you set?  

Did you get your3 Strands from everyone so you all are headed in the same direction, pursuing your clear 20 Mile Challenge, and on track for your 2013 Goals That Work?

A few years ago a former marketing executive I had worked with returned from a Hawaii vacation early with his second wife and two young children to have Thanksgiving dinner with his daughter of his first marriage.

Starting off from a stoplight after dinner his van was hit broadside by a Mini Cooper Traveling at 90 miles per hour.  Everyone died.  No warning.  No goodbyes.  No fun laughter.

Why not have a good laugh this week?

It is good for you.  It is good for your company culture if you enjoy it with employees.  It is good with your spouse, family members, or whomever.

I apologize if my subject line at first upset you, or if you feel I should have sent this earlier today.  (Maybe you REALLY needed a laugh then...)

Take your "medicine."  Enjoy some laughter about positive things, not putting others down.

And keep pursuing your dreams.
Let me know if you need help.
Thank You.
Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts.
David Russell, CEO