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Christmas Leadership Lesson #3 of 3

Don't miss our 15-25 minute webinar tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. PST explaining how we have updated our employee strategic plans.  Register here.

The boss overheard a new employee talking about how he and his wife were "swingers" to other employees.  The boss made it clear to the employee that what he did in his personal time was his business, but he did not want to hear that subject coming up again in his company.

NOTE:  I live such a secluded life that I was unfamiliar with the term "swinger" in the context it was used.  lol...

A short time later the boss got a call on a Saturday from a client.  That seemed odd.  The client talked about fairly unimportant things for a bit and then the boss asked what the call was really about.

The client explained that the boss's new employee was onsite the day before doing some work.  It was late in the afternoon.  After his work was done he began to flirt with the two 19-year-old ladies at the reception desk.

He invited them out for drinks, even though they were underage, and then suggested afterwards they go back to his place.  His eight month pregnant wife would be asleep and wouldn't mind if they had a good time together.

Needless to say, the new employee was quickly unemployed.

Christmas LEADERSHIP Lesson #3:  Love.  We all want to be loved.  Feeling appropriately appreciated is part of experiencing meaningful work in a strong company culture.

It is a core responsibility of GREAT Leaders to consistently demonstrate your company values in your words and actions.  "Loving" employees means treating them with dignity, honor and respect at all times.  It does not involve physical touch or lust.

No matter how strong your company culture is, never assume your employees values match yours, or that they have the ability to avoid temptation.  Note:  The risk of values violations increases significantly when your company encourages alcohol consumption among employees. 

I encourage you to do some planning before 2014 to specifically define how and when you will demonstrate love to your employees, Clients, vendors, community...  and most importantly of all, your family.

Have a blessed Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's season!

My next newsletter will be January 6, 2014.

P.S.  EmancipateME, the nonprofit that owns 50% of MANAGEtoWIN, received its 501(c)(3) approval from the IRS this month.  If you would like to support our work to help nonprofits working on the front lines of human trafficking leaves visit the EmancipateME website and make a tax-free donation.

Email me if you need help with your company culture, challenging employees, and/or to learn the LEADERSHIP Essentials of inspiring people.  

Be a Systematic Leader because inconsistency hurts.