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Daily LEADERSHIP Tip / Simple Blessings

Day 79

You do not need something that totally rocks your world each morning to live life to the fullest.  (Yes, I know, that is quite a shock...)

Two simple Accountability Ideas for you this week:  

1.  Schedule at least 30 minutes TODAY for Sanctuary to:

     -  Review your 3Strands from last week and plan this week's BOLD MOVES.

     -  Review your 2013 Goals.  How are you doing?

     -  Do the same reviews for your direct reports and decide how best to support them.

2.  Enter a recurring 5 minute event in Outlook for mid-morning every day this week to sincerely, specifically compliment / thank at least one person in your company.  It may be the lowest paid person.  Just keep it sincere, specific, and brief.

Enter a similar reminder to go off about 7:00 p.m. each evening to sincerely, specifically compliment / thank one person with whom you live.

Too often we take people for granted.  Saying thanks will feel good to you, as well as those you compliment.  Try to pause and fully enjoy your simple blessings...

Have an AWESOME WEEK!  We only get to live this week one time...

Reminder:  You might want to attend my webinar tomorrow at 1pm PST:
How Can You Motivate Your Employees if you need some ideas or a refresher. 

Let me know if you need help.
Be a Systematic Leader - because inconsistency hurts
Thank you.