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You can credit my wife for this one...

What is your Top One, the basis for your decisions?

Is it money?  God?  Prestige?  Service to others?  Something else?

The reason I ask is many of us think we know the answer to this question, but we are wrong.

For instance, your drive for results may be due to parents who intentionally or unintentionally loved you based on your performance.

Your willingness to accept defeat may be due to someone important in your life telling you over and over again that you are wrong (or a "loser").

Your inability to trust or work with certain types of people is because you made a decision years or even decades ago that you would never be hurt by a person like that again.
THE BOTTOM LINE :  Figure out why you make the decisions you do.  You may have some work to do personally to become the leader you want to be.

Are you ready for a game changer?

Figure out what really is your Top One.


Be an Intentional, Systematic, Servant Leader.

Most people approach this process through personal counseling or coaching.  It is not a proper topic for company or team meetings, except to possibly encourage your people to:

1.  Take some time to think about what truly is the driving force behind the daily decisions they make.

2.  Suggest they discuss this with people who know them best.

3.  If they have concerns about their true motivations, or life just is not what they want it to be, I suggest talking with a great behavioral modification coach (like mine - you can email me for his contact info) or a good family counselor.

One difference between the two is a coach tells you what to do and holds you accountable, whereas a counselor makes suggestions.  I suspect most leaders need the accountability.