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I was recently listening to an interview with Andy Stanley , leadership guru and church leader.  One thing he said JUMPED OUT to me and you need to consider this.

When he meets with his people (direct reports in particular), he schedules these meetings to occur during his high energy time.

Some leaders are morning people.  Others are afternoon people.  There are even top managers who are not at full speed until most of their staff has gone home for the evening.

What is your best time of day?

Schedule your employee meetings during your high energy time BECAUSE your energy - or lack of it - transfers to your employees.  They need your knowledge, opportunities to learn your skills, your support to overcome challenges... 

and possibly most important of all, your passion for delivering a fantastic client experience in every interaction.

Work with your people when you are at your best so they can do their best for you and your clients.  They will notice the difference and learn to make decisions more like an owner.

THE ALTERNATIVE :  Instead of powering up your people, you mig ht be sucking them dry as you transfer your stress, weariness, negativity, and/or multi-tasked distracted attitude rather than energy and positivity.

P.S.  This is also a great idea in your personal life.  Schedule time you spend with your spouse / special other, kids, close friends, and others when you have the most energy to give to them.

Be an Intentional, Systematic, Servant Leader.

Success With People, Inc.


Discuss this with your leadership team. Here are some ideas for a discussion:

1. Ask everyone to confirm what time of day is their high energy, best time.

2. What were they doing during the past week during that time?

3. When are they typically meeting with their direct reports?

4. You may also want to consider when they are meeting with other important people, such as clients or vendors.

5. Pilot a program for one month, with weekly accountability, to have your direct reports meet with their key people contacts during their high energy times while scheduling other meetings during their less optimum energy times.