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I am hiring people and working for clients to help them hire employees. Here are some recent insights that have been interesting to incorporate into my 10-step  Hire The Best Avoid The Rest system:

1. Virtual Gatekeeper: One client, James Riley, has 13 questions he requires a job candidate to answer when providing their resume. If they do not answer the questions, or he does not like their answers, then he does not consider them. This is a big time saver.

2. Question Motivators: Someone I know asks candidates one of my questions: "Which is more important, results or money, and why?" The guy hired a sales candidate who answered "money." They guy lasted two weeks. Consider only hiring people who realize results is the answer because if they achieve results the money will take care of itself.

3. Real References: I did a reference check and the person was not the candidate's manager as their title indicated - he had been promoted after the candidate had left - and was a childhood friend of the candidate. He was pleasant, but offered no insights at all. If this is all you can get from a candidate, then do not hire them.

4. Real Background Checks: A client did a free preliminary background check on a candidate. It was perfectly clear. Wisely, before completing the hiring process he followed my advice and did a full background check. The guy was a felon, on the National Sexual Predators list, had a DUI... and more. If you want to setup an easy, online way to do background checks, complete this form to work with our partner ESRcheck, one of the top firms in the country. One bad hire can destroy your company and the years you have invested to build it.

5. Multiple Addresses: The address on the candidate's resume did not include their street address. The address on their job application was a different city from the resume, and the address on another form they submitted was a third address. Do not hire them.

If you want to be more systematic in your hiring, then purchase my Hire The Best Avoid The Rest hiring system. It has video, audio, and written information plus sample documents to define a step-by-step process to hire better people more consistently. Save 50% this week as one of my newsletter subscribers!   Click here for details and use the coupon code HireBEST when ordering.

My March Book Club selections are:

Business:   Guerrilla Remix Marketing 
Personal: The Founding Fathers Guide to The Constitution 

I hope you join us for some great insights from these authors... 

Be an Intentional, Systematic, Servant Leader.

Success With People, Inc.

Define a step-by-step process for hiring people to save time and money - LOTS OF TIME AND MONEY.

1. Consider my 10-step hiring system,   Hire The Best Avoid The Rest, or another process.

2. Ask your people for input. How do you customize your example system, such as Hire The Best Avoid The Rest , so it fits your company culture?

3. Define the system in-writing and train your people on it.

4. Assign responsibility for following the process to someone who has the authority to stop a hire that has not completed the process.

5. Pilot your hiring system for 90 days. Make any edits and then make it your standard operating procedure.

6. Send me your best ideas, funniest (most painful?) stories, and other hiring insights so I can help others avoid the mistakes you are making as well as my own.

Have fun!