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On November 9 the movie, Lincoln, will be released to theaters. 

Why did this man want to be president of the United States?  He was a failure in business, in debt, his wife was not only a nut but a mean person too, his son died, people made fun of him, and a long list of other reasons not to bother.

Yet he is widely regarded as one of the best, if not the best, president Americans have ever had.

Next week I will explain the most important things I think we can learn from President Lincoln about leadership.  Below is what history says is why he wanted to be president.

Today there are three things I want you to learn from the movie's director, Steven Spielberg, and the star actor who plays Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis.

1.  Great leaders see beyond crisis to resolution , and then set aside their ego to achieve a greater good.  It is reasonable to question whether President Lincoln would have been so memorable if he had not been forced to lead through the greatest crisis to ever face America.

QUESTIONS :  How well do you see beyond your challenges to resolution?  How well do you comprehend how to make people work together who may not even like each other?  How well do you invest your financial, social and intellectual capital so you can stay in the game long enough to win?

2.  When Spielberg approached Lewis to take on the role, Day-Lewis agreed on one condition:  He wanted to wait one year.  At first, Spielberg was "sad" because of the delay, but later realized Day-Lewis' delay was a "masterstroke."  The talented actor shrewdly invested a year to become the Lincoln he believed the man was.

QUESTION :  What would have happened to your greatest opportunities if you had waited a longer time than others would for Providence to guide you?

Tomorrow I will share with you the fulfillment of a dream of mine that has spanned over 30 years, yet it is arguably the first time I have allowed Providence to lead rather than me to run ahead.

3.  "All during the picture" Spielberg called Day-Lewis, Mr. President.  Spielberg also wore a business suit every day.  It set the tone and reaffirmed who they were during those hours of their lives together.

QUESTION :  Remove all your technical, environmental, and human distractions so you can truly consider truth.  What aspects of your behavior is negatively affecting your company, employees, clients, and the thousands of lives they touch?

How can you develop new habits so you can be the awesome leader you were designed to be?

Get feedback from people you trust, but wisely weigh their counsel.  Consider our LEADERSHIP Essentials Academy or Service to gain systems to build a stronger company culture.

Lastly, why did Abraham Lincoln want to be President of the United States?

I believe if you look at the full historical record, he felt called by God to serve his fellow man in ways that were beyond him as a mere human. 

Unfortunately I expect Spielberg to downplay or even eliminate Lincoln's Christian faith from this movie, just as Hollywood did with their wonderful film - Amazing Grace - about William Wilberforce, who was equally motivated by his faith to stop slavery.

I am confident Lincoln, the movie, will still be excellent.  I hope you join me in enjoying the film.

You Are An Intentional Leader.

Meeting_Ideas MEETING IDEA

A movie is a great bonding experience for a team to explore.  Why not attend as a team during business hours, or ask people to attend the movie and come prepared to discuss it.

TIME Magazine did a series of articles on the movie.  You might want to ask your people to review and discuss that information too.

Here are some quick ideas for discussion. 

1.  What is our dream beyond our top three challenges?

2.  What are three paths to our dream, and the step-by-step path to get there?

3.  What are the five biggest challenges we have to overcome, in order of significance?

4.  How can we work more effectively together to achieve our dream?

5.  Specifically, how will achieving our dream affect the lives of our employees, clients, and the people whose lives they touch?

6.  How can we invest part of our time strategically over the next year to have a GAME CHANGING, totally transformational experience in our company?  (Our LEADERSHIP Essentials Academy is one option.)

7.  What behaviors need to change in our leaders to improve our company culture? 

Send me your team's thoughts on the movie.  I'd love to consider your conclusions.