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Missing the 4th?

If you read this newsletter/blog post last week, then you understand my recommendation of how to develop your mission statement (why you are in business), company values (how you do business), and a vision statement (where your organization is going). 

What is missing?  Most leaders and consultants would say, "nothing."

I suggest in my new book, The Company Culture Challenge, this approach leaves your company without a fourth cornerstone upholding your company.  This means it can tilt, fall prey to the winds of temptation, and not withstand the storms of human mistakes.

The missing cornerstone is accountability.  Without accountability your mission, values, and vision are just paper on the wall, emails in the trash folder, and empty phrases of motivation that are forgotten moments after being communicated.

Accountability is processes or systems to confirm your employees are fully engaged and taking ownership for happy clients in ways that are consistent with your mission, values, and vision.

This is a key benefit participants will gain in our 5-month intensive S.W.O.T. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) coaching program for companies that want a fast transformation from a nice company without a clearly defined culture to a more rapidly growing powerhouse that is taking full advantage of opportunities.

This game changing experience starts November 1.  It is called the Company Culture Challenge Competition and the results will be a stronger company culture as we implement time efficient, leadership effective systems to more fully engage employees and improve the experience clients have working with your people.

You also gain a comprehensive video case study plus lots of video clips for your website that show your organization as a preferred partner.  Many companies are asking their top vendor to sponsor them in this exercise so the vendor can also use these video case studies to prove their organization is a great channel partner.

Email me to learn more.

And... if you already have a mission statement, company values, a vision statement, and accountability, then my question is:  What's the greatest challenge you have today with employees?

Let's talk about it.   

Be an Intentional, Systematic, Servant Leader.

Success With People, Inc.

Do not let your mission, values, and vision be lonely.  Develop processes or systems to confirm they are being consistently engaged by your people to make great decisions.

My suggestions for a meeting discussion are just some basics.  To more thoroughly consider all four of these company culture cornerstones pick up a copy of my latest book, The Company Culture Challenge.

1.  Write a list of how you train people to make decisions based on your mission, values, and vision.  

2.  Is the role-playing effective in your training, if it exists at all?  How could the role-playing be improved?  Create a new role-playing exercise now.

3.  How often are you shadowing people to listen to how they are applying your mission, values, and vision in their day-to-day decision-making?  Are you consistently praising what they are doing right, or just nailing them with "gotchas?"  How can you develop more balance in your critique of team member performance in this area?

4.  How are you, or should you, reinforce training on your mission, values, and vision - methods, dates, recording in MANAGEtoWIN or other talent management software?
If you need help, contact me.