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Ted: Stanley McChrystal

General Stanley McChrystal shares some quick thoughts on what he learned as a leader in the military. It is interesting that rather than top-down management, he emphasizes the importance of relationships, for they “…are the sinew that hold the force together.”

I will be candid with you: I am recommending this talk because of my great respect for General McChrystal and the men and women who serve in our armed forces. It is an enjoyable 15 minute talk with a few key nuggets, rather than a totally incredible talk.

It is also interesting to note that relationships are what ended General McChrystal’s military career. He and his men spoke negatively about President Obama, who unlike President Lincoln, was too thin-skinned to allow it. Too bad. The President’s unwillingness to allow himself to be the focus of some banter removed a very talented asset from our military. As leaders we should be stronger than that.