Manage 2 Win

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Be On A Mission!

Although I do not agree with everything in Do You Have a Mission Statement, or Are You on a Mission? by Dan Pallotta, the challenge to be on a mission rather than just finish your homework assignment of writing a mission statement is great.

Dan says, "A person or organization on a mission is inspiring. A mission statement is an abstraction. Add to this disadvantage the fact that most mission-statement writing is an exercise in compromise and equivocation, and now you've really depressed people......Don't waste your advertising space on your mission statement. Use the space to tell people what you've accomplished, or what amazing thing your product will do — use it to show them what mission you're actually on."

At Manage 2 Win, we believe mission statements are a valuable tool for defining your mission.  Oftentimes many of our clients are simply going through the motions, doing whatever it is that pays the bills, or flying by the seat of their pants without really thinking about the most critical motivation for work:  purpose.

Dan's assertion that the Red Cross should be on a mission is correct.  Your organization should be going somewhere, somewhere powerful and purposeful.  Just don't forget to bring a map, and remember why you are going there!