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Ticked Off Journal

A friend and mentor of mine keeps a Ticked Off Journal so when he is frustrated he can let off steam.  His journal is growing and he enjoys looking back on what made him angry.  (Are there trends?)  It is a positive experience for him, but is it the best use of his time?

What do you do when you are upset about something?  For example, I love politics but do not believe any of our presidential candidates have a real vision how to save our nation.  I jot notes on ideas or things I read that relate to how my vision could restore America's future.  A guy I used to know worked out at the gym (he got really big when he got divorced).

How do you move from Ticked Off to Positive Transformation?  What do you do to turn frustration into energy of integrity, new ideas, breakthrough visions, and game changing experiences that enable you to become a better leader and more personally fulfilled?

I suggest the answer varies based on the person, but as we approach 2012 there is something to gain when you consider and possibly adjust how you learn from frustrating situations.  Here are some quick considerations:

1.  Perspective:  What is the other person who upset you feeling?  How did they arrive at the conclusion (their version of truth) that led them to upset you?  What parts of their conclusion are correct that can help you?  Can you encourage them politely and respectfully to consider to someone else's content that has led you to a different conclusion?

2.  Learning:  What can you learn from this situation and apply for your benefit?

3.  Situational:  How can you avoid this type of situation in the future?

4.  Personal:  Should you avoid this person to save yourself time and aggravation?  (This might be difficult.  If you cannot avoid them, then you can be positive and try to communicate in the way the other person prefers to receive information.)

5.  Focus:  How can you stay focused on your key objectives for today and major goals for the year, rather than be distracted by something that ticks you off?

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This meeting idea is simple.  Consider the impact of situations that tick you off.  Is your response helping you grow personally and/or professionally, or is it negatively affecting you in any way?

Consider this on your own, with a mentor, and then lastly, as a group discussion.

If you need help, contact me.