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Counterfeit Leaders

How do you think currency experts spot counterfeit bills?  Do they spend the majority of their time studying how counterfeiters design and manufacture false currency?  No.  My wife told me, and she is rarely mistaken, that she read years ago experts can spot a counterfeit bill because they spend the majority of their time studying real money.

 The currency experts understand every intricate detail of a real dollar bill in any amount.  They are experts about what is right so they can avoid (or identify) what is wrong.  The result of fully understanding what it means to be a true dollar bill is they can spot any counterfeit.

How well do you know what it means to be a true leader instead of a counterfeit? 

How much time are you investing to develop your leadership skills and the skills of your management team?

Part of the reason true Leaders deliver consistent results is because they regularly invest in developing the leadership skills of their management team as well as their own.

For instance, when Jack Welch was CEO of General Electric he invested 50% of his time in developing leaders.

How much of your time this month has been invested in developing your people?

Probably not enough.

If you have a Counterfeit Leader on your team (or a Poser or Buddy Leader) then it is your fault.  The question is, what are you going to do about it?

 You can fire or demote your weak leaders, but then you have to hire and train replacements...


COUNTERFEIT LEADERS is about assessing your skills and the capabilities of your leadership team. 

Consider these questions alone or as a team.  I can give you lots of attributes of leaders, but let's just focus on five.  Take a moment to consider whether you know a counterfeit leader by comparing the simple actions of a true Level 5 Leader to a Counterfeit Leader.

Counterfeit Leader

A strong ego that enjoys being in the spotlight, but a poor listener.

Level 5 Leader

:  A humble, yet confident, good listener.

Counterfeit Leader


Does not set and/or manage goals for themselves and their people.

Level 5 Leader

:  Sets clear, measurable goals for themselves and their people.

Counterfeit Leader

Does not consistently follow-up or follow through on their commitments.

Level 5 Leader

:  Consistently follows-up and follows through on their commitments.

Counterfeit Leader

Does not invest their time in developing their people.  (Notice I am making a distinction between investing money versus time.)

Level 5 Leader

:  Invests 20-50% of their time in developing their people.

Counterfeit Leader

Does not consistently deliver results, but has reasonably good sounding excuses.

Level 5 Leader

:  Consistently delivers results.