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Three Game Changers

I believe this is the first time I have ever recommended reading a magazine. I typically scan my TIME Magazine, but the October 18, 2010 issue has three articles that provide three different game changing ideas. Rather than keep these to myself, please consider whether what inspired me may inspire you.

ARTICLE #1: America From The Road (page 36) I think Joe Klein was very general in the article, injecting his beliefs into what could have been just reporting, but that is media today: More opinion than reporting of facts. It is still a good read. The game changer in this article comes almost at the end after he reports on an outdoor neighborhood dinner in Yuba City, California. Mr. Klein concludes: "...the things we have in common as human beings are more important that the things that divide us."

This is America's greatest problem and it also might be your company's greatest enemy: There is too much focus on what is wrong rather than what is right. We fall for the temptation to build ourselves up by putting other people down. The game changer is to reverse that trend and attack it instantly with reinforcement of the positive (much more to this, but start here).

ARTICLE #2: The GOP's Hottest Mad Man (page 46) The game changer is to consider how Fred Davis' approach could improve the way you market your business. We have to do things differently to gain mindshare in today's over-messaged markets.

ARTICLE #3: The New Challenge From China (page 52) America has failed miserably to meet the economic challenge of China, but this article explains what should be our greatest fear: China is investing in people and developing leaders. The game changer is that your only defense is to do the same. As a nation, America must make the tough choices in our government budgets, personal responsibility, education and other key areas because China, India and other nations are making those decisions and overtaking us. If we do not accept short-term pain, then long-term other nations will determine our destiny.

Again, I believe small business people like ourselves can help America build a stronger economy. If you want to help, I do not want your money. I need help convincing IT vendors to work with me. Contact me if you are interested in learning more.

Three game changers: Focus on what we have in common, market differently and invest in people.

Are you up to the challenge?


3 GAME CHANGERS is an opportunity to consider how to refocus yourself as a leader and your people in three areas that could significantly improve your business.

Discuss one or all of these articles with your team, possibly one each week for the next three weeks. Have contests for who can come up with the best ideas. (Have extra prizes on-hand in case there are great ideas from multiple people.)

1. Make a list of what your people have in common and why that makes you a better company.

2. Repeat the same exercise as #1 by considering what your clients have in common with your company.

3. Make a list of what you like about working for your company. (We all get paid, would you prefer that we NOT be paid? Oh... so we all like being paid for our work. That's benefit #1. Do we have safe company parking? Do we like having an easy, safe place to park? This is a Zig Ziglar technique that is very appropriate to remind people of all the benefits your company provides that they take for granted. Prepare your questions in advance before you do this one.)

4. What low-cost way could you more effectively market our company? (We are working with two clients now on unique ways to distinguish their business from their competition.)

5. What are the key skills your leaders need to more effectively engage the people on their team? How can they learn those skills?