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What You CAN Do

Mother Teresa once said,

"We cannot do great things on this earth. We can only do small things... with great love."

Too often our lives, and men in particular, are focused on stretching ourselves too far to grab the brass ring of significance. We work harder, longer and try to labor smarter... yet do we actually achieve something great.

What is "great?" It is doing meaningful work.

Let me suggest it can be the following:

Workers who enjoy working with you because they trust you to follow-through on your commitments and treat them fairly.

Customers who trust you to serve them rather than take advantage of them and to consistently meet or exceed their expectations.

Family and friends who experience your love because you treat them with A.W.E. - Affection, Warmth and Encouragement (Jim Burns).

Consider doing meaningful work by focusing on the small things that build strong relationships with fellow workers, customers, friends, and most of all, family.

Do one thing each day to build each of these relationships and you will live your dreams.

Be an intentional leader.

What You CAN Do

is about pursuing significant accomplishment by intentionally doing the little things each day that develop deeper relationships with other people.

In the work environment this means you are building trust by following through on your commitment in a timely manner and achieving the results expected of you.

Here are some potential questions for your next staff meeting to consider actions each person can take to daily do the small things that bring about significant results:

  • What do you remember most about Mother Teresa?

  • How did she accomplish her goals?

  • What did she do that can be applied in our business to achieve our key objectives?

  • What is one thing you can do daily to confirm you are on track to fulfill your commitments on time?

  • What is one action you can take daily to build a better relationship with a client? Co-worker? Spouse, family member or friend?

  • What is the most damaging thing you are doing to your customer relationships? What behavior or action can you change to build stronger relationships?

  • How are your daily actions building loyalty with clients or co-workers?

  • What is the number one action you take daily to build loyalty with others?