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We are completing the Success Scenarios soft skills training library this week. It teaches how to delegate, manage meetings, do engaging presentations, get along better and more productively with co-workers.

There are 24 different disciplines taught in Success Scenarios. One of the topics within the Verbal Communication scenario (and in the one on Legal Liabilities) touches on why we should avoid inappropriate humor in our workplace.

In September 2008, SHRM's HR Magazine reported on a February 2008 telephone survey conducted by Novations Group, a Boston-based consulting firm. Here are two of the key findings:
  • 45% of men and 38% of women heard sexually inappropriate comments at work in 2007
  • 38% of employees between the ages of 18 and 34 heard age-related ridicule while only 16% of workers over age 55 heard similar comments
Is your objective to get sued? The EEOC fined companies over $300 million last year, and part of it might have been silly stuff like this. Aside from the legal risks, which are significant, bad jokes lead to other unprofessional behavior.

We labor in an increasingly diverse workplace. A joke that might seem hysterical with your friends may humiliate or anger someone at work. Be very careful with your humor in the workplace.

Be intentional. Act like a leader.