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Too Many Ideas

Are you like me? I am having so much fun helping people becoming more effective leaders that I'm overwhelmed with ideas to improve the way people are managed on the job.

Some of you struggle to come up with new ideas. Sorry. I can't relate. If that's your issue then consider teaming-up with an idea generator.

However having too many ideas is a curse as well as a blessing. How do you manage the "Idea of The Moment Club" going on in your mind and still get work done? Here are a few tips:

Define your system for idea management

I have replaced my paper file folders with computer folders and MS-Word documents for long-term ideas so I can add to them easily. When I get an idea then I write it or add the link to the Word document. Links do go away so you may want to copy and paste info from the website into your document. Big ideas get a folder so I can add PDF's and other digital documents. I add to short-term ideas as a Microsoft Outlook Task (no reminder).

THE BENEFIT: Ideas are not lost. It is quick and easy. Over time ideas develop into something valuable or fade.

Work within boundaries

Idea chasing can waste hours of each day. Jot down the inspiration and toss it aside until you can enter it in your system. Do not start searching the web to validate or expand upon your ideas.

THE BENEFIT: Your important work gets done, which creates opportunities to pursue more ideas!

Be thankful and humble.

Be thankful you get ideas. Living in the past is an easy way to go nowhere. Living in the present is a blessing. Having a vision for the future is exciting! Balance your thanks with humility. Skeptics, analyzers and others question the value of our ideas and their perspective often has value. Be a good listener. The "fertilizer" they throw at you may be just what your idea needs to grow.

THE BENEFIT: Enjoy the thrill of new ideas and listen carefully so you can leverage the naysayers' perspectives to improve your vision.

Keep thinking!