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Moving Away From Helicopter Drops

"Helicopter drops" are when leaders rush-in and rush-out for a brief chat, to follow-up on something, provide a "bonding moment" or other brief interlude... but the interaction is a one-time event when more regular interaction is required to fully engage the individual.

Helicopter drop events do not build or sustain the momentum necessary to fully engage employees - and NOT fully engaged employees is the biggest drain on your profits.

The Gallup Organization estimates 75% of your employees are NOT fully engaged. Consider the additional profits available just by systematically engaging your employees... it's HUGE!

Think of the impact if all of your employees matched the top performer profile in the recent Watson Wyatt 2008-09 WorkUSA Survey that defined how top performers behave on the job. Do not do a helicopter drop and scan the list! Pause to reflect on each behavior for 10 seconds - how would it affect your bottom line?

  • 26 percent higher employee productivity
  • Lower turnover risk
  • More likely to attract top talent
  • Twice as likely to be top performers
  • Miss 20 percent fewer days of work
  • 75% exceed/far exceed expectations in most recent review
  • More supportive of organizational change initiatives

Then avoid helicopter drops and become more systematic in your interactions with coworkers so you develop momentum in your professional relationships that is mutually rewarding.