Manage 2 Win

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Achievements Are Temporary

This is a scary thought. (From a BusinessWeek article, 5/25/09 issue.)

It is also a great meeting topic for conversation. We focus a lot on the pursuit and accomplishment of clear, measurable goals but we do not talk often about what to do after you succeed.

Your activity following success determines future success. For instance is a:
  • Hit product hiding the fact more work needs to be done?
  • Team of people totally in agreement actually indicating key improvements are being overlooked?
  • Comfort level of success lowering employee productivity - no hunger?
  • Busy work environment distracting you from the realities of the economy - good or bad?
One reason to use MANAGEtoWIN is our system provides a platform that develops momentum so your company is building upon success instead of basking in it.
Achievement is temporary and I say, "Thank God!" Life would be really boring if all we had to do was accomplish one thing and then kick back. Therefore seize each day, stay alert and be systematic in leading your people so achievements grow into sustained success.