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Overtime Blues?

Workforce magazine has a great article on the 5 top mistakes businesses make in regards to the Federal Labor Standards Act. For complete details, see the article. In brief:

  1. Salaried employees are NOT exempt from overtime - you need to pay them.
  2. Assistant managers qualify for overtime because they do not have the authority of a manager
  3. Do NOT automatically deduct for meal breaks. Only do so if your people have written time records confirming they took the break.
  4. Pay for overtime whether or not it is approved in advance. Your policies may state someone can only work overtime when approved in advance, but the FLSA makes no such distinction. You can discipline or fire them for working overtime without pre-approval, but you must pay it if you allowed them to work.
  5. An employee canNOT waive their right to be paid overtime. You must pay them.

Keep it simple: Just pay for overtime consistently.

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