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Think First or Act Quickly

Richard Reeves writes a recent column for Universal Press Syndicate titled. McCain and Obama: Different Kinds of Men.

In the article he quotes Obama commenting on the importance of taking Sanctuary, a Desired Result of the Success With People system, so he can think clearly when he becomes president. In contract Reeves also talks about how McCain does almost the opposite, responding to a situation quickly and leaving more thorough consideration of the facts for later, if ever.

What type of leader are you?

Of course the greatest leaders balance these two decision-making approaches. The reason is simple. Sometimes you have to make a quick decision or the opportunity is lost. Other times you must take the time to think because not only will you better understand your options but the problem may resolve itself if you do not respond. This was the case for President Theodore Roosevelt when his inaction helped end the possibility of an all-out China-Japan war.

I encourage you to take Sanctuary time. There are 3 types of Sanctuary in the Success With People system:

  1. Uninterrupted work time to focus on achieving a key priority.
  2. Break time that involves a healthy snack and light exercise - ideally without cellphones or work-related activity.
  3. Vacations without interruptions from work - ideally 2 or more weeks at a time.

Make this week your best week ever!