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Jack Welch on Celebrating

Jack Welch recently spoke at a major ScanSource Impact Now event in Orlando, Florida late last year. VARBusiness magazine and their web counterpart, ChannelWeb, reported on his comments.

As we enter 2008 with the intention to fully engaging our employees in achieving our objectives, I thought one area of Welch’s comments were a particularly important strong reminder.

He asked the audience to raise their hands if they felt they celebrated their success is enough. Few hands were raised and many of them tentatively. “You better be thinking hard about why you’re not celebrating more,” he responded. “The whole game is to excite that talent out of the people around you and see them be rewarded — that’s the joy of managing.”

The 2008 economy looks like it’s going to be a roller coaster, yet most of our clients are anticipating strong growth after coming off a strong 2007. We are too. I encourage you to recognize people for results and celebrate success throughout the year. Do this monthly if not weekly and or spontaneously. Have fun with it!

Employee recognition and celebration are two of the most important things to do as an effective leader. It is a key to success. Enjoy the week!